In the past we have arranged courses in Stockholm, London, Dubai, Iceland, Abu Dhabi, Zürich, Copenhagen, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Dortmund, Fürstenfeldbruck and many places in Norway. Upon request we can arrange courses at your place. For details please contact us.

dominotekstThrough experienced consultants ScandiAvia has gained respect and credibility in the market. In ScandiAvia we believe that every future accident & incident can be prevented, and by building a strong quality / compliance system and an operational and functional Safety Management System [SMS] operators can control and reduce the potential for incidents, accidents and losses of personnel and aircraft.

Since 1995, Scandinavian Aviation has provided assistance and training to the aviation industry, and lately we assisted an African Major carrier to pass its IOSA audit in order to be removed from EU’s “Black list”.

ScandiAvia performs audits and trains personnell in Safety Management, Accident Investigation, Crew Resource Management and Threat Error Management. Our latest courses are Risk Management, Commander Candidate and Top Management courses.

ScandiAvia offers courses/training in the following:

The Safety Management course focuses on building a SMS in addition to Risk Management, Safety Assurance, Safety Promotion and building a healthy safety culture.

The Accident Investigation course is in accordance with ICAO guidelines and traines you to become an investigator from the preparation phase until you sign the report.

The Risk Management course focus on the rationale behind Risk Management (RM) and procedures of how to perform Risk Management in an airline. The course will present a model of how to perform Risk Management in own organization. The course will teach the fundamentals of performing Risk Management in order to both predict threats and prevent accidents.

Threat and Error Management (TEM)
Ensure that your company is up to date with the latest developments in Aviation, Threat and Error Management! The course covers the entire syllabus as laid out by the JAR-OPS 1 and it has been developed by a team of military and commercial pilots and instructors with a solid background in aviation safety training and accident investigation. Humans design, build and operate aircrafts. The main factor in aircraft accidents are Human Errors and the loss of Situational Awareness (SA) and Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT). This new training course will provide you as a crew with the skills you need to operate more safely and effectively as part of a team in the unique environment of corporate aviation.

This course will improve your communication skills and prepare you to make better decisions. The course gives you a solid foundation of the teamwork skills you need to ensure the safety and efficiency of flight operations. You as a crew will learn specific techniques of how to build a team, how to improve and maintain SA and detect threats to avoid decision making errors, improve briefings and communication, be an assertive crew member and effectively manage conflict. Comprehensive case studies will ensure that you can satisfactorily perform each of these skills prior to course completion.

Aviation Law
The course has been designed to provide students with a thorough grounding in basic legal concepts, enhancing any knowledge they have gained during industry professional qualifications, and apply this to the current legal framework that exists within the aviation industry today. The course will discuss several key areas in depth while providing students with an overall concept of aviation law in a global setting. At the end of the course students will have an in-depth knowledge of several key areas and understand the basic concepts of aviation law.

Aircraft Continued Airworthiness & the Regulations
The course prepare’s all Air Operators Certificate (AOC) or Maintenance Repair Organization Approval (MRO) Accountable Managers & Nominated Post Holders for the regulatory responsibilities & duties of managing a civil air operation.

This course will ensure that all who attend will understand why we conduct maintenance on civil aircraft & how the standards have developed over the years. This course will also review in detail the regulations in support of an AOC or MRO and how they differ in regions of the World. The participants will study in detail the responsibilities of senior staff & what they are required to do by law with regards to airworthiness, maintenance & the technical operation of civil aircraft. European classes will focus on EASA / JAA while Arabian Gulf classes will focus on EASA / JAA & the UAE GCAA regulation.

The Commander, his aircraft, duty and the law, also called Commander Candidate course.
This course is designed to provide aircraft commanders with an understanding of the framework of law and operational limitations which they must operate. The lectures deal in a practical and relevant manner within the Commanders authority and responsibility in respect of the passengers, employer and the crew and the relationship with other agencies such as ATC, airport handlers and national authorities. The course advises the action to be taken in the immediate aftermath of an accident in order to protect the interests of the commander, crew, passengers and the airline.

Top Management Seminar
An industry specific two-day seminar designed for both Nominated Postholders and Accountable Managers based on JAR-OPS requirements.
This two days seminar puts you as a top manager in the position to administer your operation and take care of the financial situation, the quality requirements and the challenges that faces you in daily operation. As a top manager you are responsible for a wide range of Safety Critical Processes, we address them and give you industial solutions. As a participant you will be highly participative, and we teach practices that have become the benchmark in the industry.

Safety Awareness
This eight hours seminar is especially designed for management who do not have the time to travel away for a full course. In these 8 hours we cover the role and responisbilities of the management and the safety issues such as SMS and Risk Management. This course is made individually on the customers requirements.

We do initial, basic, advanced and recurrent training.

For questions please contact